Hot Rain

Drawer, Printer, Painter

Something always remains behind. Water is released into the air, evaporating into a cloud, whilesediment remains as a trace element. Nothing disappears forever, never completely. I wait and I watchthese slow processes. What remains can be a crystal, a dried puddle of ink on a found piece of paper oreven the faint stain of some mixture now committed into the air.My practice is interdisciplinary. Found objects and papers are subjected to inks, washes, stains,solvents, salts and household chemicals. If I make a series about a lake, I collect it’s water as one of mymediums. A weed on the side of the road is crystalized, preserved, but no longer exactly itself. Mystudio is a transformational chamber, where the process is the magic I pursue. Something left behind,something lost forever. The lake water dries, and all that remains is sediment on the paper. The weeddies yet the crystal forms.The found objects and papers are crucial. They are what remains from something long ago lost. Sleevesof a photo album generations old or an old piece of tar that has broken away from the road. They arestill the same thing in essence that they were long ago, yet eroded, lighter and more fragile. Nothingstays the same. Everything moves towards darkness only to emerge in a new light.

Lisa Kill is a multi-disciplinary artist working In St. Paul, MN USA. Lisa Received her BFA from Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 2015 with a focus in printmaking and installtion. Recent work includes installation, works on paper, and paintings.

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